
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.



Additional information

Matt Parker discusses multiplicative persistence.

Check out Brilliant (get 20% off their premium service): https://brilliant.org/numberphile (sponsor)

Extra footage: https://youtu.be/E4mrC39sEOQ

Matt's new book is Humble Pi: http://bit.ly/Humble_Pi

More Matt videos on Numberphile: http://bit.ly/Matt_Videos

The Multiplicative record holders: https://oeis.org/A003001

More info: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MultiplicativePersistence.html

Hear Matt on the Numberphile podcast... http://bit.ly/Numberphile_Pod_Playlist

Infinite Series

Infinite Series

42 is the new 33

42 is the new 33