
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.

Awesome Prime Number Constant (Mills' Constant)

Awesome Prime Number Constant (Mills' Constant)

Have you ever heard of Mills' Constant?

Featuring James Grime. http://bit.ly/grimevideos

Several people have pointed out the n=4 prime is 2521008887 (we missed an 8)
More on prime numbers: http://bit.ly/primevids

This video features Dr James Grime - https://twitter.com/jamesgrime

The Mills Proof is at: http://bit.ly/MillsProof

Video supported by (& free book): http://www.audible.com/numberphile

Six Sequences

Six Sequences

Infinity Paradoxes

Infinity Paradoxes