
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.

The Best Sphere Packing

The Best Sphere Packing

Additional information

Featuring James Grime... Check out Brilliant (and get 20% off their premium service): https://brilliant.org/numberphile (sponsor)

Sphere trilogy: http://bit.ly/Sphere_Trilogy

Strange Spheres in Higher Dimensions: https://youtu.be/mceaM2_zQd8

Earthquakes and Spheres: https://youtu.be/2vnqSwWAn34

More James Grime on Numberphile: http://bit.ly/grimevideos

James Grime website (you can book him for talks): http://singingbanana.com

Kissing Numbers

Kissing Numbers

Sum of Three Palindromes

Sum of Three Palindromes