
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.

Hunt for the Elusive 4th Klein Bottle

Hunt for the Elusive 4th Klein Bottle

Carlo Séquin on his search for the elusive "fourth type of Klein bottle".
More videos on Klein Bottles: http://bit.ly/KleinBottles

Carlo's paper: http://bit.ly/Carlo_Klein

Also featuring Carlo:
Mobius House: https://youtu.be/iwo7JReFTeg
Torus Donut: https://youtu.be/3_VydFQmtZ8

Pi with Pies: https://youtu.be/ZNiRzZ66YN0

Why 1980 was a great year to be born... but 2184 will be better

Why 1980 was a great year to be born... but 2184 will be better

How to make a Klein Bottle (in three dimensions)

How to make a Klein Bottle (in three dimensions)