
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.

Shakespeare and Numbers

Shakespeare and Numbers

Rob Eastaway looks at numbers, quirks, and codes (plus some conspiracy theories) in William Shakespeare's First Folio.

Including some interesting historical stuff about the use of numbers in Shakespeare's plays, then some slightly wild conspiracy theories about Francis Bacon and codes in the text. And a bit about chronograms.

More Rob Eastaway on Numberphile (including more Shakespearean stuff): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt5AfwLFPxWLpGjPX_Qn0D9gzVkYVTSuU

Rob Eastaway's book Much Ado About Numbers...
Amazon (US): https://amzn.to/3zFinog
Amazon (UK): https://amzn.to/3VIIp1u
And on bookshop.org: (UK) https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/much-ado-about-numbers-rob-eastaway/7619073 or (US) https://bookshop.org/p/books/much-ado-about-numbers-shakespeare-s-mathematical-life-and-times-rob-eastaway/21260313?ean=9798893030303

Rob Eastaway's website: https://robeastaway.com

With thanks to Dulwich College Archive: https://www.dulwich.org.uk/about/history/the-archives

Like a bit of history blended with science and math - check out Brady's Objectivity channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/objectivityvideos

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