
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.

The Z Factor

The Z Factor

Featuring Tom Crawford.

Jane Street skyscraper puzzle (and info on the AMP program) at https://bit.ly/numberphile-amp

Tom Crawford's website, with links to his work and other outreach: https://tomrocksmaths.com

More Tom videos on Numberphile: http://bit.ly/Crawford_Videos

Tom on the Numberphile Podcast: https://youtu.be/_HwKGncsGo0

Jane Street’s Academy of Math and Programming is now accepting applications for their summer 2024 program, which will run from June 29th-August 2nd in NYC... Or you can just check out the puzzle for fun too - https://bit.ly/numberphile-amp

The Game of Risk

The Game of Risk

Catalan Numbers

Catalan Numbers